Inge Jechart
Before working with Inge, I had a terrible time communicating clearly with my husband. He’d get impatient and angry with me. Now I’m able to ask him for what I want clearly, and with confidence. Life is easier for both of us now!
2. Because of my work with Inge I’m now so much more confident around my peers, clients, and friends.
3. I used to put other people on pedestals and see myself as a lesser person. Inge’s coaching has helped me realize that I’m a spiritual and emotional equal - no better, no worse!
4. I used to hate business trips – I was terrified of being around people I didn’t know. Now meetings and gatherings are events that I don’t dread, but can enjoy!
V. L.
5. Instead of working myself into the ground, I’ve learned how to take care of myself emotionally and physically. Life is much more fun now!
D. W.
6. It's much more fun being with my adult kids now. I’ve found a peaceful state of mind where I am celebrating our differences and enjoying their company.
7. Before coaching with Inge, I was unhappy, exhausted, and people at work were avoiding me. I felt very alone and also hopeless about getting older. Now I take care of myself - I feel contented, full of energy and hope, and people seek out my company.
8. To summarize my experience with Inge’s coaching: She listened and cared about how I felt. It changed my whole world – I now know that I matter!
9. Living in fear and pain was the worst thing in the world. Working with Inge brought much more value into my life than what I paid for. You can’t put a price on happiness!
10. Inge’s coaching has helped me totally revolutionize my relationship with my daughter. My newfound inner peace helps prevent her meltdowns and we now enjoy our time together.